Friday 11 July 2008

In Flames, and within...

Not actually posted any picture of fire art in this blog so here's my first entry. It first came to me Summer of 2005 during a catastrophic come-down after a heavy night at the Glade festival. Feeling really dirty about myself, I turned to my friend and vowed to pick up something wonderful and spectacular. The only thing I could think of at the time was the glow-spinners I saw the previous night at the ID spiral stage. Playing with glow-sticks was deemed not spectacular enough, I decided to do fire-spinning as something I would do to filled the massive gaping hole in my life: daring, reckless but at the same time requires a high degree of discipline, focus and concentration, it was everything I needed at the time. Since then I have made many friends from all corners of the world and travelled many miles with my fire kit. I would go as far as saying that the flames have supported me through some of the worse turmoil of my life. It has shown me what I am really made of, taught me to believe in myself once more.

In the flames, the whole world dissolves into darkness until there is nothing left other that you, the roar of the flames tearing through the air, the shearing heat, the motion coupled with the music (if you choose to have it). Your mind is truly free from emotion: fear, hate, envy, sorrow, regrets, it all becomes irrelevant when you have two balls of fire flying at speed around your neck. To try out a new trick, every single one of your muscles in sync, timing perfect with the staff, matching every beat, shoulders locked, arms tensed at that sweetest second, adrenaline pumping... The shroud of everyday life is lifted to reveal reality in its purest naked form.

It is my meditation and sanctuary...

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